A collection is a collection of RSS / RDF / Atom feeds followed by a particular person, also called an OPML list. This list can be made up of blogs, news sites, podcasts, cartoons… The users of Feedcollectors have the possibility to add their collection to the site as with any RSS aggregator, then to share them with the all other users. They can then create a community of contacts by reading affinity.
There are different rankings to track the most popular collections, the most popular feeds within the collections, the most frequent searches, or the tags that appear most often.
Feedcollectors has partnerships with an advertising network in order to reward the authors of the most popular lists. Adding advertisements to a collection is obviously optional, but tempting for the bigger ones. Payment is currently only made by Paypal.
Feedcollectors currently only lists a little over 150 collections, but may become particularly interesting as soon as it is in full swing in order to quickly spot new reading trends on the net. Only one regret: the excessive slowness of the server.