Category: Technology

Best AI for coding

Artificial Intelligence In Graphic Design

AI is considered to be the skill of the future. It has revolutionized the computer industry, and is now used in many other industries. Its applications range from self-driving cars to healthcare. Learning AI requires a strong foundation in statistics, math, and programming. The Best AI for coding is a great way to build these...


How To Use AI To Generate AI Videos

It is easy to make videos, but creating a high-quality one that accurately represents your creative vision requires attention to detail. This is where AI tools like can help. The first thing you need to do to create an AI video is enter the prompt. A descriptive text will tell the platform what it...

life size ruler

Understanding Ruler Measurements

Using a life size ruler to measure is an important math skill. It is often taught as a teacher-centered activity, but kids can gain deeper understanding of ruler measurements with a student-centered approach. The long lines of a ruler are inches. If an object ends directly on one of these lines, it is that many...

janitor ai

AI Chatbots That Work Like Search Engines

A new AI bot that works as a search engine, providing up-to-date news and links to the original sources. It’s free and simple to use. It also does math, coding, and generates text. AI chatbots such as janitor ai can be a great time-saver for educators and allow them more time to focus on student...


Main Advantages Of A 3D Printer

3D printing with has been used to make everything from toys to houses. One nonprofit printer is capable of churning out an entire neighborhood of homes in just 24 hours. A good home 3D printer should be easy to set up and operate. It should produce smooth and attractive models without much tweaking, and...

RF filter

The Importance Of Band Pass Filters

Band pass filters are essential tools in music production, serving to surgically eliminate or emphasize specific frequencies within tracks. There is an impressive range of band pass filters with diverse bandwidths to meet UV, visible and infrared applications, including the RF filter. What is a bandpass filter? Band pass filters permit only signals within a...

A woman standing in front of a building

The millionth moo

I had spoken about it some time ago as THE most useless site, therefore the most essential on the net. The moo box! de Joachim , launched on the occasion of the liberalization of tld .eu has just reached its millionth moo in an atmosphere that has been called the fever of great nights, comparable to a certain football world cup...


In search of new horizons

I had been letting information hang around left and right for some time now, it’s been official for 2 hours 26 minutes exactly: I’m looking for a new job either in the management / design of projects preferably Web, or in assistance to the management of information systems in SMEs / SMIs, I am not...

Graphical user interface

8 tips to improve your XHTML practice

I wanted to tell you about this excellent article by Tantek Celik for several days, but between the organizational and graphic overhaul of this site – the second not yet fully satisfying me – and a particularly busy weekend in the provinces, I had to give up somewhat writing. Numerous articles expose the thousand and one good...

A river running through a city

Microformats and CV publication at Barcamp Paris 4

Never two without three, so I presented the Microformats for the third time in a row at the mini Barcamp which took place this Saturday in the premises of Mandriva , at 43 rue d’Aboukir in the second arrondissement of Paris (reader, a Microformat is hiding in this sentence, will you be able to find it?) Many people were interested in the subject, not counting...

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