Cameron Moll, who publishes the Authentic Boredom blog, has just announced the release of Mobile Web Design , a book on the development of websites for mobile devices, ie mainly for PDAs and mobile phones. To help you with the funds you need, you might want to consider playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via
Much has been written about mobile devices. Much has been written about website development in the age of “standards”. However, very little has been done to link these two subjects. This book aims to fill that void.
The spread of smartphones and internet packages will certainly explode the market for websites for mobile phones – let’s call it WAP 2.0and I have a feeling they will be the next big market once online video is regulated. As long as operators understand that lower prices would benefit them more than maintaining plans and telephones at prohibitive prices, terminals like the Nokia E61 – my next acquisition – which combine mobile telephones and PDAs with WIFI access could well become the standard in France within two to three years, and it would be a shame to miss it. I also intend to quickly set up a style sheet specially dedicated to mobile devices that do not have an RSS aggregator.
So while waiting for this book, you can still read this W3C best practices guide for developments on mobile devices .